I will be as good unto ye as ever a Queen unto her people. No will in me can deficiency, neither do I trust shall regard any power. And persuade yourselves that for the safety and quietness of you all I will not sp be if need be to drop my blood. The Elizabethan era was the bond between the spiritual rebirth and the modern eras. It is not coincidental that when you compare these two eras on opposite ends of the condemnation in which Queen Elizabeth ruled, thither stand been vast improvements. There are significant set that remained the equal all throughout the past and modern Hesperian societies throughout Queen Elizabeths reign. Thus, her reign as Queen was a splice between the past and future. This link signifies this in quartette study aspects. Two if them that share a close-knit kinship are: the loyalty a leader can ask from their citizens, and the fear a leader has to their citizens. Also, the above quote seems to have a subject of change (whichever way you i nvolve to take care it) in it. Finally, the quote can have a connotation of a higher calling, or when a mortal is bound(p) to be a ruler. This quote shoes just how therapeutic the bond between a leader and his/her citizens can be.

The start-off example of this is in the quote how Queen Elizabeth would risk valid harm to herself in order to protect her people. This is an example of a bond between the past and the future because before her period in the medieval era, there was an example of this in the sextuplet major cities during the late 15th and early 16th centuries, specifically in the example of Istanbul. Whe n the Ottomans invaded Constantinople in 145! 3, they had the leadership of Sultan Mehmet... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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