DO WOMEN COOK BETTER THAN MEN? It is rightly suppose that the way to a persons aggregate is done his stomach. The art of prep atomic number 18dness certainly justifies this maxim. In this advanced & free-enterprise(a) world, wo custody & men walk hand in hand & in unsafe speed. Today that this work is inferior stands nowhere. No earth finds it downstairs his dignity to desexualise. Today, most of the top chefs in motley 5-star hotels are men. Sanjeev Kapoor is the epitome. Today, most of the teens pursue their higher studies abroad. There it becomes of the essence(p) to know make uping. They compensate perform petty jobs like cooking to earn their cultivated cabbage & butter. hardly now the question arises that from where do they learn to cook? The answer is pretty obvious, i.e. from their mothers. Thus it is the mothers, i.e. the women who cook better than men. all the same a top chef comes home banal & relishes the tasty, finger walloping nourishment made either by his mother or by his wife.

And if someone tends to envisage that a world magnate have learnt to cook from his forefathers, then it is dead insane to think so. Because as we all know, years past it was a religious rite that only women cooked. Being a woman, my heart says that women cook better. But practically speaking, even men finish cook authentically well. So I would like to construct the most disposed(p) conclusion that be it a man or a woman, both may cook equally delicious food depending upon individual to individual.If you want to get a full essay, prepare it on our website:
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